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Aegg's rPET heritage pot made with recycled material

17 June 2024

2024 Guide to the Plastics Packaging Tax for food producers

What does the plastics packaging tax mean for food businesses?

In April 2022, the UK Government brought in the Plastics Packaging Tax, where the importer or manufacturer of plastic packaging pays £200 tax per tonne on plastic packaging produced in, or imported into the UK, that does not contain at least 30% recycled plastic. In 2024, the scheme continues to be implemented, although the cost per tonne has increased in line with inflation to £217.85 per tonne.

Plastic Packaging Tax | Plastic food & drink packaging | Environmental | Useful resources

Key 2024 Trends for the Food and Drinks Packaging Industry

3 January 2024

2024 Food and Drink Packaging Trends: Balancing Sustainability, Costs, and Efficiency

As 2024 starts, the food and drinks packaging industry is undergoing significant changes driven by various factors such as increasing consumer demand for sustainable packaging, changing material costs, and the growing influence of ecommerce. Drawing on our team's combined packaging expertise, we explore some of the key trends that are shaping the future of food and drink packaging in 2024 and beyond.

Glass food & drink packaging | Food & Drink Packaging Industry Thoughts | Aegg Opinions | Plastic Packaging Tax | Blogs | Environmental | Useful resources

8 September 2023

Aegg Moves to Suffolk

As of September 2023, Aegg has relocated all its administration teams from Andover to its head office in Eye, Suffolk, where its recyclable plastic packaging manufacturing facility, warehouse, and logistics teams are already based.  This means that ordering food and drinks packaging from Aegg is now even more seamless, with all Aegg's divisions now based at its Eye location.

Glass food & drink packaging | Aegg Team | Aegg's units: warehousing and manufacturing | Plastic food & drink packaging | Environmental | Awards

20 January 2023

Food & Drink Packaging Trends 2023

With years of experience as a food & drinks packaging supplier, we make our predictions for 2023's food & drink packaging design trends.  Whilst sustainability, recycling and responsible packaging continue to be key, there are also other factors emerging…

Glass food & drink packaging | Food & Drink Packaging Industry Thoughts | Plastic Packaging Tax | Aegg's units: warehousing and manufacturing | Water bottles | Blogs | Plastic food & drink packaging | Environmental | Aegg industry interview series | Spirits bottles