Blog: Thoughts on BPF’s Seminar on the Proposed Plastics Tax

We asked our Finance Director, Katherine Howard, to write her thoughts on the British Packaging Federation’s recent seminar on the proposed plastics tax...
• recyclable content being sent to landfill and non-recyclable content contaminating recyclable product, because consumers don’t understand the differences (certainly my neighbours don’t – I got to check the green bin contents in the aftermath of Storm Gareth!)
• the big players buying up the recycling infrastructure and so shutting the smaller (more nimble?) players out
• shocking levels of food waste, some of which could be eliminated through appropriate packaging
• Relatively high energy consumption in the production of non-plastic packaging material
• The likelihood that a littering consumer will litter a recyclable product as much as a non-recyclable one
These proposals could set into play the biggest industry and behavioural changes seen in a generation. Aegg is pleased to be working with the BPF to identify the impact of these proposals on businesses, consumers and inhabitants of planet earth. Let’s get it right this time and not replace one set of unintended consequences with another.