Aegg In The News

Our Managing Director, Jamie Gorman, was asked to join a panel of leading industry figures by Packaging News magazine to talk about his thoughts on the rigid plastic and glass industries. Click the links below to read the interviews...
Rigid Plastics Packaging Interview:
Jamie, along with other industry figures, talk about how 2021 fared; their strategy for 2022; current customer trends; and a message for the sector. Jamie also mentions how demand for packaging with at least 30% recycled content is high, with the recent Plastic Packaging Tax coming into force.
Click here to read the interview.
Glass Packaging Interview:
Jamie, along with other industry figures, was interviewed about the glass packaging industry right now in the UK. Jamie talks about how Aegg extended its food and drinks packaging supply to reach new markets, and how container shipping presented Aegg with new global supply partnership opportunities. He also talks about ways in which the Russia/Ukraine situation is impacting the industry.
Click here to read the interview.
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